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  • 课程顾问-小管家
    课程顾问-小管家 2022-03-11 17:12:32









      The Core Content in Option A focuses on six Key Questions:

      1 Were the Revolutions of 1848 important?

      2 How was Italy unified?

      3 How was Germany unified?

      4 Why was there a civil war in the United States and what were its results?

      5 Why, and with what effects, did Europeans expand their overseas empires in the nineteenth century?

      6 What caused the First World War?

      1 Were the Revolutions of 1848 important?

      Focus Points:

      • Why were there so many revolutions in 1848?

      • Did the revolutions have anything in common?

      • Why did most of the revolutions fail?

      • Did the revolutions change anything?

      Specified Content:

      • The nature of revolutions in 1848, and the influence of liberalism and nationalism

      • Causes and events of revolutions in France, Italy, Germany and the Austrian Empire

      • Reasons for the failure of the revolutions

      2 How was Italy unified?

      Focus Points:

      • Why was Italy not unified in 1848–49?

      • How important was Garibaldi’s contribution to unifying Italy?

      • Did Cavour help or hinder the unification of Italy?

      • How important for other European countries were moves towards Italian unification?

      Specified Content:

      • Austrian influence over Italy

      • Italian nationalism and the role of Mazzini

      • Events of 1848–49

      • Victor Emmanuel II and Cavour: Plombières, war

      with Austria in 1859

      • Garibaldi and the invasion of Sicily and Naples

      • The creation of the Kingdom of Italy, completion of unification by 1870



      The Core Content in Option B focuses on seven Key Questions:

      1 Were the peace treaties of 1919–23 fair?

      2 To what extent was the League of Nations a success?

      3 Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?

      4 Who was to blame for the Cold War?

      5 How effectively did the United States contain the spread of Communism?

      6 How secure was the USSR’s control over Eastern Europe, 1948–c.1989?

      7 Why did events in the Gulf matter, c.1970–2000?

      1 Were the peace treaties of 1919–23 fair?

      Focus Points

      • What were the motives and aims of the Big Three at Versailles?

      • Why did all the victors not get everything they wanted?

      • What was the impact of the peace treaty on Germany up to 1923?

      • Could the treaties be justified at the time?

      Specified Content

      • The peace treaties of 1919–23:

      – the roles of individuals such as Wilson, Clemenceau and Lloyd George in the peacemaking process

      – the impact of the treaties on the defeated countries

      – contemporary opinions about the treaties2 To what extent was the League of Nations a success?

      Focus Points

      • How successful was the League in the 1920s?

      • How far did weaknesses in the League’s organisation make failure inevitable?

      • How far did the Depression make the work of the League more difficult?

      • How successful was the League in the 1930s?Specified Content

      • The League of Nations:

      – strengths and weaknesses in its structure and organisation: work of the League’s agencies/ humanitarian work

      – successes and failures in peacekeeping during the 1920s

      – the impact of the world depression on the work of the League after 1929

      – the failures of the League in the 1930s, including Manchuria and Abyssinia



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