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  • 课程顾问-小管家
    课程顾问-小管家 2023-04-20 21:43:54

    IAT 现在可是SFU毕业非常好找工作的专业,并且还能学到很多技能。所以选择这个专业的同学也是越来越多。

    IAT102 将用到软件AdobeIllustrator, Indesign来设计logo,名片,海报 和 杂志IAT110 要用Photoshop, Lightroom 来学习基础摄影,并利用照片叙述故事,做定格动画等~

    lower level 的必修课

    CMPT 166 An Animated Introduction to Programming (3) or

    an equivalent introductory programming course such as CMPT 120, 125, 126, or 128

    IAT 100 Digital Image Design (3)

    IAT 102 Graphic Design (3)

    IAT 103W Design Communication and Collaboration (3)

    IAT 106 Spatial Thinking and Communicating (3)

    IAT 167 Digital Games: Genre, Structure, Programming and Play (3)

    IAT 201 Human-Computer Interaction and Cognition* (3)

    IAT 202 New Media Images (3)

    IAT 222 Interactive Arts (3)

    IAT 233 Spatial Design (3)

    IAT 235 Information Design (3)

    IAT 265 Multimedia Programming for Art and Design* (3) or

    other approved second year programming course

    IAT 267 Introduction to Technological Systems* (3)


    MACM 101 Discrete Mathematics I (3)

    另外还要一门三个学分的science course from computing science, engineering science, kinesiology, mathematics, statistics, or physics

    upper level的必修课


    IAT 333 Interaction Design Methods (3)

    IAT 336 Materials in Design (3)

    IAT 337 Representation and Fabrication (3)

    IAT 351 Advanced Human-Computer Interaction (3)

    IAT 352 Knowledge Media Architectures (3)

    IAT 355 Introduction to Visual Analytics (3)

    IAT 381 Special Topics in Interactive Arts and Technology (Science) (3)

    IAT 410 Advanced Game Design (3)

    IAT 432 Design Evaluation (3)

    IAT 452 Developing Design Tools (3)

    IAT 455 Computational Media (3)

    IAT 481 Special Topics in Interactive Arts and Technology (Science) (3)

    any upper division course from computing science (CMPT), engineering science (ENSC), physiology and kinesiology (KIN), management and systems science (MSSC), mathematics (MATH), mathematics and computing science (MACM), cognitive science (COGS) or psychology (PSYC).



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