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南安普顿大学本科大一Commercial Law商业法

老师您好,我即将在今年的9月份入读南安普顿大学本科大一,Accounting and Finance with Placement专业。其中有一门课是Commercial Law 商业法,对这门课不太了解,想知道这门课具体讲什么内容,咱们这边可以提前预习一下这门课吗?

  • 课程顾问-小管家
    课程顾问-小管家 2023-04-25 22:41:58

    学你好 我是考而思教育的课程顾问老师Tina~




    Commercial Law商业法


    The module will be taught in six distinct sections, focusing on important issues of law for accounting students:

    Part One - Introduction to English Legal Systems

    a.The Nature of a legal system; using the English Legal System as an example.

    b.Court Systems.

    c.Alternative Dispute Resolution.

    d.Sources of Law.

    Part Two - The Law of Contract - The main rules and principles that govern Contract Law

    a.The Nature of Agreement - negotiation of contractual agreements – Offer and Acceptance.

    b.Formation of legally enforceable contract agreements - Intention, Capacity, Consideration & Privity.

    c.The terms of a Contract.

    d.Vitiating Factors – Frustration, Misrepresentation, Mistake.

    e.Discharge of Contract - Performance, Discharge and Breach of Contract.

    f.Contractual Remedies.

    Part Three - The legal concept of Agency

    a.Agency agreements.

    b.The legal rights and duties of the principle, agent and third party.

    Part Four - The legal rules relating to Sale of Goods and Supply of Services

    a.English law, including the passing of property and risk in sale of goods contracts and transfer of title by non-owners.

    Part Five - National and International commercial responsibilities to employees and workers


    b.UK National, with examples.

    Part Six - The main rules and principles that govern Tort Law

    a.The Tort of Negligence.

    b.National liability for advice, goods, property, services and the environment.

    c.Introduction to cross-border responsibility for advice, goods, property, services and the environment.

    同学如果有预习的需求 可以点击我的头像联系我,或者添加我们的客服微信,联系Tina老师~


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