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发布时间: 2023-04-22 15:24:53
文章来源: 考而思









  Reasons That People Consume Coffee Bean Coffee Marketing Essay

  This question 1 is asking us to find out the reasons about the people are willing to pay more for Coffee Bean Coffee than a normal coffee shop and the importance of consumer behavior. Consumer behavior is the dynamic interaction of affect and cognition, behavior and the environment by which human beings conduct the exchange aspects of their lives. The consumer behavior is affecting by the internal and external factors. Those factors will cause the changes of the buying behavior for the consumer. So, it is very important for us to understand it.

  1.1人们为什么购买由咖啡豆制成的咖啡-1.1 Reasons that people consume Coffee Bean coffee

  Nowadays, many people are willing to pay more for Coffee bean coffee than a normal coffee shop. We have to find out the reason about this situation. After we asked few coffee bean consumers, we found out that there are some reasons to affect them to purchase in Coffee bean shop.

  1.1.1 Environment

  Those people feel that the environment of Coffee bean shop is better than a normal coffee shop. They found that the environment of the normal coffee shop is very noisy and uncomfortable. Normally, there are many families will consume at the normal coffee shop. There might be a lot of kids will make noise at the coffee shop. If somebody wishes to enjoy a cup of coffee there, this will affect their mood. Some of the normal coffee shop might be unsanitary because they are less focusing on their cleaning work. They will simply clean the table and mop the floor. This situation will make the customer feel uncomfortable when they are consuming there. The environment of Coffee Bean shop is comfort because there is not so much noise. Coffee Bean shop will provide sofa and also will play some soft music for their customer to become more relax and satisfy when they are drinking coffee at the Coffee Bean shop. There are two area in the Coffee Bean shop, air-conditioned area and smoking area. If their customers are smoker, they can enjoy the coffee and smoke at the smoking area. Another customer can choose to sit at the air-conditioned are or smoking area depend on their needs.



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