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  • 课程顾问-小管家
    课程顾问-小管家 2023-01-03 18:03:20




    COMP10120 第一年团队项目 First Year Team Project

    COMP11120 计算机科学数学技术 Mathematical Techniques for Computer Science

    COMP11212 计算基础 Fundamentals of Computation

    COMP12111 计算机工程基础 Fundamentals of Computer Engineering

    COMP13212 数据科学 Data Science

    COMP15212 操作系统 Operating Systems

    COMP16321 编程导论1 Introduction to Programming 1

    COMP16412 编程导论 2 Introduction to Programming 2


    COMP23311 软件工程 1 Software Engineering 1

    COMP23412 软件工程 2 Software Engineering 2

    COMP26020 编程语言和范式 Programming Languages & Paradigms

    COMP26120 算法和数据结构 Algorithms and Data Structures

    BMAN10011 管理基础 Fundamentals of Management

    BMAN10252 技术变革的基础 Fundamentals of Technological Change

    BMAN10552 金融基础 Fundamentals of Finance

    BMAN10612 商业经济学 Business Economics

    BMAN10621B 财务报告基础 B Fundamentals of Financial Reporting B

    BMAN10632 管理会计基础 Fundamentals of Management Accounting

    BMAN20242 公司金融和金融工具概论 Introduction to Corporate Finance and Financial Instruments

    BMAN20792 技术、战略和创新 Technology, Strategy and Innovation

    BMAN20811 管理业务运营 Managing Business Operations

    BMAN20821 新产品开发与创新 New Product Development and Innovation

    BMAN20832 市场营销 Marketing

    BMAN21012 商业和管理的全球背景 Global Contexts of Business and Management

    BMAN24501 华商 Chinese Business

    BMAN24521 组织和就业 Organisations and Employment

    BMAN24571 职业成功的工作心理学 Work Psychology For Career Success

    COMP21111 逻辑与建模 Logic and Modelling

    COMP22111 处理器微架构 Processor Microarchitecture

    COMP22712 微控制器 Microcontrollers

    COMP23111 数据库系统 Database Systems

    COMP24011 人工智能简介 Introduction to AI

    COMP24112 机器学习 Machine Learning

    COMP24412 基于知识的人工智能 Knowledge Based AI

    COMP25212 系统架构 System Architecture

    COMP27112 视觉计算导论 Introduction to Visual Computing

    COMP28112 分布式系统 Distributed Systems

    ULCH51002LEAP 中文导论 LEAP Introduction to Chinese

    ULFR51002LEAP 法语简介 LEAP Introduction to French

    ULGE51002LEAP 德语导论 LEAP Introduction to German

    ULJA51002LEAP 日语入门 LEAP Introduction to Japanese

    ULSP10021 介绍西班牙语 Introductory Spanish

    ULSP51002LEAP 西班牙语简介 LEAP Introduction to Spanish


    COMP30040 第三年项目实验室 Third Year Project Laboratory

    BMAN20242 公司金融和金融工具概论 Introduction to Corporate Finance and Financial Instruments

    BMAN20792 技术、战略和创新 Technology, Strategy and Innovation

    BMAN20811 管理业务运营 Managing Business Operations

    BMAN20821 新产品开发与创新 New Product Development and Innovation

    BMAN20832 市场营销 Marketing

    BMAN21012 商业和管理的全球背景 Global Contexts of Business and Management

    BMAN24501 华商 Chinese Business

    BMAN24521 组织和就业 Organisations and Employment

    BMAN24571 职业成功的工作心理学 Work Psychology For Career Success

    BMAN30010 知识与创新管理 Management of Knowledge and Innovation

    BMAN30021 市场营销 Marketing

    BMAN30022 战略 Strategy

    BMAN30042 人力资源管理 Human Resource Management

    BMAN31212 投资经济学与创新 Investment Economics and Innovation

    BMAN32051 数字化转型案例研究 Case Studies In Digital Transformation

    BMAN32091 人员管理与变革 People Management and Change

    COMP31311 赋予程序意义 Giving Meaning to Programs

    COMP32211 实现片上系统设计 Implementing System-on-Chip Designs

    COMP32412 物联网:架构和应用 The Internet of Things: Architectures and Applications

    COMP33312 敏捷软件管道 Agile Software Pipelines

    COMP33511 用户体验 User Experience

    COMP34111 人工智能和游戏 AI and Games

    COMP34212 认知机器人 Cognitive Robotics

    COMP34312 机器学习中的数学主题 Mathematical Topics in Machine Learning

    COMP34711 自然语言处理 Natural Language Processing

    COMP34812 自然语言理解 Natural Language Understanding

    COMP35112 芯片多处理器 Chip Multiprocessors

    COMP36111 算法和复杂性 Algorithms and Complexity

    COMP36212 数学系统与计算 Mathematical Systems and Computation

    COMP37111 图形和虚拟环境 Graphics & Virtual Environments

    COMP37212 计算机视觉 Computer Vision

    COMP38311 先进的分布式系统 Advanced Distributed Systems

    COMP38412 网络安全 Cyber Security

    MCEL30001 企业工具和技术 Tools and Techniques for Enterprise

    MCEL30002 企业工具和技术 Tools & Techniques for Enterprise

    MCEL30011 先进技术企业 Advanced Technology Enterprise

    MCEL30012 先进技术企业 Advanced Technology Enterprise

    MCEL30022 跨学科可持续发展 Interdisciplinary Sustainable Development

    MCEL30031 计算机科学家的企业管理 Enterprise Management for Computer Scientists

    MCEL30032 计算机科学家的企业财务管理 Managing Finance in Enterprises for Computer Scientists

    MCEL30051 企业战略与营销 Enterprise Strategy and Marketing

    MCEL30052 企业可行性 Enterprise Feasibility



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